VOQ Training: Who it Benefits
Novice Coaches: For new or inexperienced coaches, VOQ Training provides a comprehensive training program, practice and race day organizational tools, and strength/stretching routines. Everything you need to get started, all in one concise packaging! "I feel this focus would be a particularly valuable approach for a new coach or non-running coach working with distance runners." -- Russ Ebbets, editor Track Coach magazine (part of Track & Field News and USATF), Winter 2012 Issue #198. Click here to read the full review.
Intermediate Coaches: All of the above plus the ability (and knowledge on your part) to freely mix existing workouts into the Inverted Pyramid's unique, flexible structure.
Advanced Coaches: Presumably, you already have a training structure in place that you are happy with. VOQ Training's primary contributions will be new workout and tapering ideas, motivational tools, and injury prevention methods to get the most out of what your athletes are already doing. "For the experienced distance coach there are some creative workout patterns and training thoughts (based on actual practice plans) that may give a different perspective for coaches steeped in one of the more common running schools of thought." -- Russ Ebbets, editor Track Coach magazine (part of Track & Field News and USATF), Winter 2012 Issue #198. Click here to read the full review.
High School or College Athletes on a Team: If you are on your own for summer training, or following a very basic mileage-based summer program, VOQ Training will help you lay out a far more effective summer training program and have you ready to race at a high level the moment the season starts.
Self-Coached Athletes: You are the most challenging group to cater to, with a nearly endless range of disciplines (Cross Country, Track, Road, and even Trail and Triathlon) and seasonal targets. VOQ Training will provide you a generalized training structure to work from, as well as specific workout ideas and supplemental strength/core/flexibility work.
Parents of Youth Athletes: You are in basically the same group as Novice Coaches, benefitting from the all-encompassing nature of the book. Following a scaled down version of the workouts will provide your child a great training foundation prior to entering a team environment.
All of the Above: Learn how to improve upon the traditional, hit-or-miss tapering approach of cutting volume and raising intensity. With VOQ Training, you will peak perfectly every time!
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